Friday, 24 April 2015

We made It!!!

A couple of weeks preparation both physical and mental , a lots of laughter but also stress..
But eventually the day was there to prove that we are a strong team and we can do it.

The 100 KM Oxfam Trailwalk has been an unforgettable experience for everybody.
The walkers and the Supporters all joined because each of them do some kind of sport on a regular basis and they wanted to put themselves to the test. This coupled with the very rewarding feeling of knowing that , along the way, we were also helping the people in Chad.
All members of the Colt Trailwalker team have different backgrounds and personalities, but have grown immensely as a team. They built a lot of trust on eachother, laughed a lot, and felt eachothers courage and support simply by watching eachother and knowing that nobody would give up! Not only for themselves but also to pull everybody together to that well anticipated on finish line!

Trailwalker Highlights in Photos: 

Day 1 , all fresh , fruity and ready to walks some!


Aaaaannnddd Action!!

Painful feet while resting:

Night time...

The View:

The Finish line!

Every person from the team experienced the Trailwalker in a different way, read here what they have to say:

Valentina Tomescu

For me, both the Fundraising and the Trail walk have been challenging and enriching experiences. What I have learned is best described by this African proverb: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together”. I am deeply grateful to everyone who participated and made this event possible.

Sandra Exposito

It’s been a very intense two days, physically and emotionally. This experience will take you to the edge at times, and with it, the real you will arise. Only for this self-discovery, I’d recommend it to everyone.
Personally, I have learned a great deal about myself, and I was pleasantly surprised with what I’ve seen, but don’t be afraid to know who you really are. Sometimes it takes you to walk 100kms to find out.

One advise only: train well, so that you can enjoy the trail.

Humphrey Geldof

For me the TW has been an enriching experience - we laughed and endured a lot together. What most stood out for me is how we started out as 6 individuals and during our journey grown together as one team. We had so much trust in each other, our support crew and Team Lead – I felt we could have taken on any challenge.

Miquel Perez 

The trailwaker has been for me the biggest endurance challenge I’ve never made. I could experience the team spirit and how to break our limits to support 100km until the finish line, that great cause fighting the poverty

Vanessa Calleweart

For me the Oxfam Trailwalker was a beautiful experience in the way it has given me the opportunity to get to know new people and myself and this all for charity.

Jordi Saez

I have felt how it feels when you can excel yourself in so many simultaneous ways. Also that physically and mentally there is no limit -providing you are able to set yourself into it- . A master lesson

On this note I would like to end this last post for our Trailwalkers and would like to thank you all for donating and following us!

We hope to see you next year!!

Saturday, 18 April 2015

Status Update

Our heroes are fast going to the middle line at 17:25!!

They are doing great and below you see per runner a snapshot at how far and how fast they are going..

And a sneaky action pic of Miquel....

We are very proud of you all!!

Friday, 17 April 2015

Thanks to you!

Yes You!

Thanks to you and your donation, we have achieved the Fundraising Goal allowing us to officially start the 100KM Trailwalker!

That on itself is great, but even more admirable is that you made a difference in the lives of the people in Chad by financially helping Oxfam Intermón to continue their great work.

So coming saturday is the big day..we will standing on the start line of the Trailwalk together with hundreds of other dedicated people to make this happen.

We prepared ourselves as much as we could in a short time together with our partners from the Corporate Gym and Euvgeni ( as mentioned in previous posts).
We are as ready and excited as one can be and we hope that you will be there cheer us on either in real life or virtually?

How? Well let me explain...

First of all you can follow us online on the Oxfam live trail page right here.
You can search for us on our bib number : G327, or our Team name: Colt Team, or by our names.
In real time you will be able to see us pass the checkpoints.

Would you like to follow us closer?
The Loctome Application tracks each runner kilometer by kilometer.
For instructions on how to install Loctome you can check here.

Hereby we would like to close this last post before the walk with a handshake and a thank you for supporting us on this special event!

Do not forget this blog just yet, we will be back with a nice post with experiences and photos!

PS: If you didn´t donate yet, it is still not too late, you can do so right here.

Valentina, Humphrey, Sandra, Miquel, Vanessa and Jordi

Thursday, 16 April 2015

Corporate GYM , our partner!

You might know that the Colt Team had only six weeks preparation time to the Trailwalker. 
When we spoke to the Corporate Gym they offered to partner up and help prepare our walkers physically. 
During these weeks the team’s personal trainer Eduard (Edu) provided each walker with a training schedule and advised about the best nutrition. Yesterday Edu gave the walkers and support crew the last instructions - walking strategy, nutrition calculation, eating/drinking/resting time and gear check. How exiting!  

For now the walkers are as ready as they can wish them luck this weekend!

Monday, 13 April 2015

Yesterday Sunday 12th of April the Colt Team had their last training of 13 km walk along the beautiful track of the Park Serra de la Collserola. Colleagues with their partner came along to support and cheer them on , on this relaxed and fun walk. Next stop the 100 km in Girona. They are ready!! And we all wish them Good Luck!